Medical Center ADESA

Providing medical services since 1986 - Comas

About The Program


ADESA, since 1984, has been working in the New Year human settlement, located in the Comas district. This area is part of the Northern Cone of Lima. Initially the work consisted of offering sewing courses to the women of the neighborhood who wanted to earn their own salary, but it quickly became clear that the inhabitants of the area, in addition, lacking the most vital public services (water and electricity), lacked Health services. Thus, as in 1986, ADESA founded a Medical Post to provide medical assistance to the population, especially mothers and children of limited resources. ADESA preventive medical assistance has saved the lives of many children in the area.



Since its foundation, the main objective of the ADESA Medical Center is to provide a good health and medical care service, economically accessible to the entire community of Comas and the Northern Cone of Lima. From the Medical Post, which was at the beginning, with the support of institutions, companies and people, a larger and larger capacity Medical Center was built. Currently, the Medical Center provides medical care in the specialties of Pediatrics, General Medicine, Dentistry, Gynecology, Otrorrinology and Psychology. Also, it has the services of a Clinical, Clinical, Pharmacy and Radiology Analysis Laboratory. In addition, the Medical Center conducts free Health Campaigns to the community.

In the last 10 years, the Medical Center has provided 194,750 medical care in the different specialties that benefited more than 70,000 patients, mostly low-income children. Despite these achievements, there is still much to do, new equipment is required for the laboratory area, to implement the offices, etc. Therefore, ADESA is looking for donors: individuals, companies or institutions that want to help us continue to provide medical care so that the population, especially low-income children, have better health.

Gynecology 8,120.00
Laboratory 40,850.00
Topical 1,7520.00
Obstetrics 1,350.00
Psychology 8,420.00
Dental (treatments) 6,350.00
Pediatrics 66,860.00
General medicine 20,140.00
Otorhinolaryngology 1,210.00
Control Niño Sano 2,950.00
Nutrition 820.00
Opening Clinical History 18,060.00
Ultrasound 2,100.00
Total 194,750.00


ADESA is registered in APCI RD 627-2018 and is a recipient of donations according to SUNAT RI No. 0490050036297. It is registered in the Public Records Item 01856235
Calle Eli Aguirre 126, Int. 401 Miraflores, Lima, Perú.
(511) 778-2300